La Tierra Y El Mar CD
Spanish, science, and fun - all rolled into one! Presented by bilingual Slug, Michael Levy, La Tierra y el Mar features eight popular Slug songs in both Spanish and English. You'll have a lot of fun recognizing lyrics to popular favorites such as"Soy un Arbol," "Pececitos," and "El Descomponer." What a great way to practice a second language!
Songs--- El Descomponer * "Tierra" Eres Mi Amiga * Soy un Arbol * Raiz, Tallo, Hoja * Communidad del Mar * El Bosque de las Algas Gigantes * Planeta Azul * Pececitos * Rap Marino * Decomposition * Dirt Made My Lunch * I'm a Tree * Roots, Stems, Leaves * Ocean Communities * Giant Kelp Forest * Blue Planet * Fishies