Science, Song & Celebration!

School Assemblies
GREETINGS from Airy Larry and Doug Dirt of the Banana Slug String Band! We hope that your school will journey with our unique musical troupe in discovering the wonders of our world. Please choose from the following assemblies, or let us design one to fit your needs!
Email or call (831)818-5648.
Ocean Assemby 2017, Mill Valley, Ca

The 3 R's [Reduce, Reuse, Recycle]
How does nature recycle and how can humans recycle? Empower children to make earth- friendly choices with an awareness of sustaining natural resources, improving the environment and recycling opportunities.

A Penguin Parade
From feathers to furs and scales to skin, this journey into the world of ecology raises awareness about the diversity of animals and their habitats. A dynamic blend of original songs, humor and amusing costumes guarantees an animated performance.

We All Live Downstream
All about watersheds and our role in protecting and teaching aboout them. This will engage the students, their families and communities in learning about how activities within their communities affect the quality of water that is used in their everyday living.

Living With The Earth
A discovery of the magical relationship between animals, plants and the Earth. During this musical journey students will meet a six-foot tall Banana Slug, learn how dirt made their lunch and rap with Nature Man.

The Awesome Ocean
Based on the Slug's award winning Slugs at Sea, and the Project MARE Oceans week curriculum, this program focuses on the habitats of the West Coast. Favorite Slugs songs such as the Water Cycle Boogie are featured.